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Honoring a Grandfather, Supporting Israel, and Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Honoring a Grandfather, Supporting Israel, and Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Selma Gold Danz was born in 1918 in what was then known as the Arizona Territory. She began her career in the arts at age nine when she won a city-wide essay contest in Phoenix. By age 13, Danz was writing and performing her own scripts for a variety program on the local radio station, KTAR, and appeared in 50 theatrical productions by the time she graduated high school. Following high school, she studied performing arts at the University of Southern California and the University of Washington, where she performed in local productions, receiving rave reviews from Seattle theatre critics.

Throughout her life, Danz continued in her interest and support for the arts by working as a volunteer docent for the Seattle Asian Art Museum for 14 years.

"Selma loved to travel and experience different cultures, customs, languages, antiquities and traditional arts and crafts," said Danz's estate trustee. "She also came to appreciate and espouse Eastern medicine and techniques to improve her health."

Danz, the grandchild of Jewish immigrants, was proud of and embraced her Jewish heritage throughout her life. She was a generous supporter and advocate for many causes directly affecting Israel, Jews in the Diaspora, and those who were displaced and in need. Among the organizations near to her heart was Jewish National Fund, and upon her passing in 2016, she bequeathed 25% of the residuary of her trust to support Jewish National Fund's Water Solutions in honor of her grandfather, who emigrated from Poland to Palestine before the outbreak of WWI.

Danz's gift will allow JNF to build more reservoirs, recycle water for agricultural use, help support Rainwater Harvesting Programs which educate students throughout Israel about conservation, and fund research and development projects so that Israel reaches the goal of recycling 95% of its water.

Through her bequest to Jewish National Fund, Danz's legacy lives on in the Jewish homeland while helping the land and people of Israel continue to prosper and grow.

To leave your legacy and read other stories of people who have left their estates to Jewish National Fund, visit jnflegacy.org or call 800-562-7526

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